Iron deficiency in the body can manifest itself in strange symptoms

One of the symptoms of iron deficiency in the body can have a strange gastronomic craving for things that are not related to food.

Iron is one of the most important nutrients in the diet, as it helps various proteins deliver oxygen to the body. Iron deficiency is the most common type of micronutrient deficiency in the human body. True iron deficiency consists of three stages, the most severe of which is iron deficiency anemia, a condition in which the body does not have enough iron to make hemoglobin (the protein responsible for delivering oxygen to tissues). Anemia is characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells, which usually leads to the appearance of such symptoms as fatigue, dizziness, pale skin, shortness of breath.

According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (USA), in addition to these general symptoms of iron deficiency, other, at first glance, strange symptoms can be observed. Their “weirdness” is caused by the body's reactions to the lack of an important substance.

The desire to eat something inedible. People with severe iron deficiency often feel a strange food craving for pieces of clay, paint, cardboard, even household detergents.

Koilonychia. It means a change in the condition of the nails, which take on the appearance of being pressed inward.

Cheilitis.In his case, the corners of the lips are covered with painful cracks that can interfere with eating, smiling, and shouting. When cheilitis occurs due to iron deficiency, using creams or ointments to treat it does not help.

Restless legs syndrome. Doctors still cannot say for sure what exactly causes it. a strange condition characterized by an increased need to move the legs when laying in bed. But it can also be a symptom of iron deficiency.

Scientists state that “among people with iron-deficiency anemia, the prevalence of restless legs syndrome is almost nine times higher than the norm”. increased dryness, burning sensation in the oral cavity. Another non-obvious sign of iron deficiency is atrophic glossitis, characterized by painful swelling of the tongue that causes problems with chewing, swallowing, or speaking.

Thirst for ice. According to available data, this is one of the most common symptoms of severe iron deficiency. The reasons for this strange desire to bite or suck pieces of ice are not clear to scientists.

“If you suspect that you have an iron deficiency, contact your doctor to perform the necessary blood tests. In addition to the listed symptoms, you may notice that you are more tired than usual or suffer from shortness of breath when you climb stairs or do sports. You may also often feel dizzy or have a strong feeling of weakness,” the experts added.

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Author: alex

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