Is alcohol dangerous on an empty stomach: doctors announced the consequences for the brain

Some habits make our head is aging faster than it should be. And among them, the most dangerous is drinking alcohol, especially drinking it on an empty stomach.

Alcohol is a quick way to feel sociable and relaxed. However, if you feel uncomfortable, you may drink more than you should. This will lead to intoxication and the accumulation of toxins that will damage brain cells, warns Dr. William Lee, author, physician and medical director of the Angiogenesis Foundation.

“High levels of alcohol can quickly kill neurons in the brain, so excessive drinking alcohol to get drunk can lead to brain damage,” he explained.

He clarified that the brain can recover, but repeated alcohol consumption increases the toxic effect on the brain and causes neuroinflammation. The same thing happens when you are heavily intoxicated.

“At the same time, cognitive functions are impaired and personality changes,” he adds.

He recommended not drinking more than one glass of wine during a social event. .

“It will give you the peace you are looking for without harming your brain,” the doctor emphasized.

The doctor emphasized that drinking alcohol on an empty stomach leads to rapid absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, and it can begin to accumulate in the brain within five to ten minutes after the first sip.

“Although each person's body absorbs alcohol at a different rate rate, taking it with food slows down its absorption in the stomach, and food also dilutes the alcohol content, so its blood and brain levels don't rise as quickly or at such high levels for as long. drink,” he explained.

The doctor recommended that in order to reduce the harm caused by alcohol, it should be combined with foods high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats, which slow down the absorption of alcohol.

” Foods such as fatty fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation in the body,” he added.

The doctor advised not to drink alcohol alone, but in a company where its members can take care of one another. per one.

“Remember that if you find that you often drink alone, think about alcohol most of the day, or regularly spend time buying alcohol, you may need help through a support group or rehabilitation center,” the specialist warned.

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Author: alex

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