Is it possible to change the blood group?

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In medical circles, it is common to say that a person's blood type can change during his life. However, doctors refute this myth and claim that such cases have never been observed. Experts explained that this myth appeared as a result of errors in determining the blood type.

In other words, the tests showed a false result, and then the next test revealed the true blood type. Because of this, some could decide that the blood group had changed. Doctors do not rule out that it is possible to change a person's blood group, but only in theory. For example, this can be done by bone marrow transplantation.

However, experts have not yet conducted such experiments. Usually, during a bone marrow transplant, a donor with the same blood type as the patient is selected to maximize the chances of a successful outcome, as the bone marrow must take root in the new body.

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Author: alex

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