Is it possible to drink food: dispelling myths
Recently, experts have wondered whether it is possible to drink food. Accordingly, some say that it is harmful. And others are sure that it is bad to eat dried meat. How to figure out why you can't drink food or, on the contrary, you can. And which drinks are recommended to be consumed at this time, and which should be avoided.
It is known that cold drinks pass through the stomach faster than food. That is why the food is not digested at all and leaves the stomach. Because of this, you can't wash down food, at least with cold drinks. It almost does not combine with gastric juice, and mucus appears in the intestines, which begins to rot, gases are formed.
If we talk about carbonated water, it should be noted that it is really able to improve food absorption. Only this doesn't apply to sugary sodas.
Why you shouldn't wash down your food with sugary sodas
The fact is that it contains a lot of carbohydrates, which reduce the absorption of proteins. Due to a large amount of sweet liquid, heaviness is felt, unpleasant belching appears.
Most often, a person drinks food out of habit. Many people know this, especially those who have eaten in public catering places. Nutritionists are sure: the cause of problems in the work of the stomach is often the habit of washing down food with drinks.
What happens in the body
It has been established that digestion processes begin directly in the mouth. First, the food is crushed by the teeth and combined with saliva. And the more chewing movements occur, the easier it is for the stomach, the products are abundantly moistened with saliva. The flow of liquid thins saliva and weakens its splitting effect.
Also, drinks weaken the effect of saliva on food. Further, the liquid dilutes the digestive juices in the stomach, which complicates the digestion process. When drinking, a person often swallows without chewing, but this is harmful. As a result, food not processed by gastric juices does not go through the necessary stages of digestion in the stomach, it enters the lower parts of the digestive system, where it undergoes rotting, fermentation and bacterial decomposition, with subsequent absorption of these products into the blood. As a result, the further development of diseases and poisoning of the body.
In addition, when you drink, you stimulate the feeling of hunger, because the time the food stays in the stomach is reduced.
You can have a little wine
A glass of wine is justified. Weak alcohol affects the release of digestive secretions and stimulates the appetite. As a result, food is absorbed faster, the possibility of fermentation decreases. It is quite possible to spill a glass of good wine at dinner with minimal damage.
Is it good to drink tea
Tannins contained in tea dampen the sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, due to which the ability to absorb food decreases. The intestine falls into a kind of apathy, becomes lethargic and indifferent. Thus, when the digestive system needs the most activity to assimilate the necessary organism, the effect of tea makes it work less efficiently. Ice cream has a similar effect. It is useful to completely refuse to drink tea immediately after a meal for an hour or a half.
Many people cannot live without this pleasant and aromatic drink. But experts advise not to do this, because the composition of tea includes tannins that interfere with the normal absorption of food. Moreover, this applies to the proteins that build human cells. Due to such a substance as tannin, protein and iron harden.
What is the best way to drink food?
Mineral water is best suited for this role. It will help to avoid overeating, improve digestion, relieve heaviness in the stomach. The elements included in the composition of mineral water are part of the enzymes necessary for the assimilation of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, which accelerates metabolism and leads to increased splitting of fats. As a result, the constant companions of overeating – nausea and heaviness in the stomach – will bypass you. At the same time, the appetite decreases, which will allow you to keep yourself in your hands at the table. And accelerating the elimination of toxins and excess fluid from the body will help you recover quickly after a hearty meal.
It has been proven that it is useful to drink dry food with water, as it is difficult not only to digest it, but also to swallow it. Without moisture, they will be poorly absorbed like a sponge, absorb juice in the stomach and turn into lumps.
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