Is it possible to lose weight only by walking?
We've all heard about the benefits of walking and regular walking, but do you know how many people take this type of activity seriously? We usually think of walking as the most suitable form of physical activity for the elderly, and we certainly don't take it seriously as a way to lose excess weight. And absolutely useless.
Regular walking is almost an ideal type of exercise for people with very large excess weight: it does not increase the load on the joints, allows you to control the pulse rate, preventing its dangerous increase. While walking, it is easy to control the intensity and duration of loads, increasing them almost imperceptibly. However, if you are not overweight and only want to lose three to five kilograms, walking can be a great solution for you too.
How does walking help you lose weight?
By itself, this type of physical activity does not help burn many calories: an hour of walking at a speed of 5.5 kilometers per hour “costs” a little more than 300 calories. But it doesn't matter much: regular walks literally reset our body, starting the weight loss program.
A study conducted by specialists at the University of the British city of Loughborough confirmed that after an hour of intensive walking (speed – from four to five kilometers per hour), the balance of two hormones that regulate appetite changes. The level of ghrelin, which enhances the feeling of hunger, drops sharply, and the content of peptide YY, which is responsible for the feeling of satiety, on the contrary, increases. Moreover, of all types of physical activity – walking, running and strength training – only walking helps, firstly, to regulate both of these hormones, and, secondly, allows you to maintain the effect for a longer period of time.
Another proof of the benefits of walking for weight loss was found by researchers from Aristotle University (Greece). The results of their study confirmed that women who regularly engaged in active walking lost weight faster than those who preferred RUNNING. The scientists explained it simply: after the high-intensity exercise, the participants in the experiment ate more actively, and led a passive lifestyle during the day. Whereas those who walked maintained a healthier diet and were more willing to engage in all kinds of activities.
How to walk to lose weight?
Do we need 10,000 steps a day? And in general, how and how much do you need to walk to lose weight?
The first and main rule is to exercise regularly. It is better to walk for half an hour, but every day, than to carry out five-hour march-throws once a week. However, if there is no opportunity for regular walks, then let there be at least marching throws.
The second rule-the load should be different. You don't have to take ten or more thousand steps a day: studies have confirmed that the same benefit for health and figure will be brought by a walk three times shorter, but with one condition: at least half of the time you must walk quickly. In general, fast walking is considered the most beneficial for health: from four kilometers per hour and above. And if you regularly train at a speed of 5-5.5 kilometers per hour, you reduce the risk of premature death from any cause by 20%!
Another rule is to monitor your heart rate. To determine a safe heart rate, subtract the number equal to your age in years from 220. The resulting number will be the maximum permissible heart rate for you, try not to exceed it during training. And in order for the walk to be particularly effective, try to stay in the “corridor” equal to 70-80% of the permissible frequency.
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