Is it safe to wash during a cold: the otolaryngologist explains

If washing during a cold helps greater hypothermia of the body, this can worsen the condition of the affected person, provoke complications.

There is an opinion that hypothermia is dangerous during colds, and therefore it is better to temporarily abandon washing procedures. In an interview with an otolaryngologist, the opinion was expressed that taking a shower during a cold can harm a person if he neglects precautionary measures.

For example, taking a hot bath for too long can have a negative effect on the state of the cardiovascular system , and also the release of a still wet person into the cold air after washing can harm the body.

The doctor noted that a certain danger of taking a shower may be related to the fact that in the resulting steamy atmosphere “can swell and besides, the mucous membranes in the nose are irritated, and there will be a feeling of congestion – but this is a temporary phenomenon”.

The otolaryngologist emphasized that a real threat to the condition of a person with a cold due to washing can occur very rarely. At the same time, the doctor explained that after the procedure it is dangerous to fall under a draft, so the windows in the apartment should be closed in advance, and you should also dry yourself thoroughly.

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Author: alex

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