Is it true that frozen foods are not as healthy as fresh ones?
Many people usually do not buy frozen products. It is believed that they contain fewer nutrients than fresh ones. But is this really so, judging from a scientific point of view?
Fresh products in the store are not always nutritious. This is due to the fact that apples, for example, are picked unripe, and then treated with a special chemical substance and covered with wax. All this is done so that you can buy apples all year round. And fresh vegetables and fruits can naturally lose their nutritional value. For example, after two days of storage, peas lose about 50% of their vitamin C.
At the same time, products that go to freezing are harvested at the peak of ripeness and have high nutritional value from the beginning. According to one study, there is no difference in the level of nutrients in fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables. Moreover, some frozen products had more folic acid and vitamin A than fresh ones.
Among the disadvantages of freezing, it can be noted that before sending the products for this procedure, the products are treated with boiling water or hot steam. Because of this, some of the B vitamins, as well as vitamin C, are lost. In addition, frozen food after defrosting does not look the same as it was before freezing.
As for fish and meat, there is almost no difference between fresh and frozen versions of these products. The only thing is that their shelf life still varies.
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