Is yeast necessary in pizza dough?
Such a short culinary question may seem simple. In fact, not everyone knows about the need to add yeast to the dough. In the time of our grandmothers, pizza was not prepared. There were pies, pies, buns. But later our mothers started trying to bake it. True, it looked and tasted completely different than it does now. That dish was more like a savory pie filled with sausages, corn, and tomatoes, topped with mayonnaise, eggs, garlic, and cheese. Still, the pizza should be thin.
How to prepare the dough
- flour – 2 tablespoons;
- dry yeast – 5 g;
- salt – ⅓ tsp
- sugar – 2 h .l.;
- water – 170 ml;
- olive oil – 2 tbsp.
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The proportions of the ingredients are calculated for a pizza with a diameter of 34 cm. At the very beginning, you need to sift the flour. Work with any dough begins with this. This is necessary to enrich the flour with oxygen so that it becomes light. Then yeast, salt and sugar are added to it. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
In a container, warm water and olive oil are mixed and poured into the flour. Make a hole in it and carefully pour in the liquid components, kneading the dough. It should be soft and sticky. In order for it to stick less to the hands, flour should be added in small portions. The result should be a soft, elastic dough that stretches well.
Don't rush to stretch and bake the pizza right away. The dough should rest in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. After that, put your favorite fillings, cheese and send it to the oven. Delicious!
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