It became known which milk is more useful for children

Controversies about which milk is good for children it is not the first decade that is more useful – whole or low-fat. And now a new study has put an end to these disputes.

Australian scientists have come to the conclusion that for children there is no fundamental difference between the two common milk options. In other words, whole or full-fat milk is just as good for babies as low-fat milk.

This long-awaited conclusion was made after only three months of observation of 49 children in aged from 4 to 6 years. They were randomly divided into two groups, and the participants of the first were given low-fat dairy products every day, and the participants of the second – whole. body composition and blood pressure, as well as blood biomarkers.

Children from both groups, as it turned out, consumed approximately the same amount of calories. At the same time, babies on low-fat milk got fewer calories from dairy products, but more from other types of food.

The two groups showed no significant differences in weight gain or cardiovascular health. So, numerous statements that children must be given low-fat milk, which contains less saturated fat, are not true. Even fat or whole milk will not lead to childhood obesity.

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Author: alex

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