It is a dried fruit that improves intestinal protection against the appearance of cancerous tumors

Regular use of such dried fruit as prunes improves the functioning of the intestine and increases protection against the development of its diseases, including cancer.

Foreign nutritionists Erin Kenny and Jamie Miller spoke about the benefits of prunes for the intestinal tract on the Shape portal. According to experts, this dried fruit has a high content of components that have a beneficial effect on intestinal peristalsis and its ability to empty itself.

“Prunes are a product with a high fiber content, which prevents constipation. The dried fruit also contains a lot of sorbitol and chlorogenic acid, which increase the frequency of stools,” experts explain.

In addition, the dried fruit improves the protection of the intestines against the appearance of cancerous tumors. Scientists attribute this effect to the antioxidant effect of the microelements included in its composition. Thanks to it, inflammation is reduced, which promotes the growth of malignant formations, damaging cells.

Experts explained that manganese, as well as copper, contained in prunes, help protect healthy cells from damage associated with the inflammatory process. Also, they added, “the anthocyanin substances of this dried fruit reduce the risk of developing colon cancer”.

According to nutritionists, if there are no contraindications, it is optimal to eat one or two dried fruits a day. Among its other significant advantages, experts named a positive effect on the condition of the heart, as well as the ability to strengthen bones.

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Author: alex

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