It is better not to enter the apartment in shoes: 4 reasons important for health
Many doctors believe that the shoes in which a person walked down the street should remain outside the threshold of his apartment.
Probably, many will say that you should not enter the apartment wearing shoes , so as not to pollute. However, not everyone knows about the possible health consequences of such a visit. Germs, bacteria, feces – all these unnecessary or harmful pollutants can end up in the home, brought there by shoes from the street.
What effect can street dirt have on health?
Environmental researchers, Professor Marcus Patrick Taylor and Professor Grabriel Filippelli, studied the consequences of walking around the apartment in street shoes. “, scientists said during the investigation.
According to them, a fairly large part of the dust on the surfaces in the apartment consists of textile fibers, skin flakes or hair of people and animals, and a good third is brought in from the outside world – through shoes, through open windows. However, the first factor can be avoided, experts say.
Scientists have named important health reasons not to enter the apartment in street shoes.
Pathogens inhabit 80% of shoe soles.< /strong> Studies have found various pathogens, including salmonella and listeria, associated with foodborne illness on the soles of people's shoes. Among these microbes were also drug-resistant, which practically do not respond to antibiotics.
Traces of feces are on almost all shoes. According to scientists, 96% of street shoes contain E.Coli bacteria – this indicates contact with feces (for example, animal feces on the street). The penetration of such microorganisms into the apartment increases the risk of intestinal infections among its residents.
Harmful chemicals. Unwanted chemicals can enter the house with shoes. For example, toxic lead particles can be transferred after contact with the ground, their influence can contribute to cognitive and neurological disorders.
Potential carcinogens. Polyfluorinated chemicals can also enter the home from the street, which are considered “eternal” because they do not decompose. Once inside the body, they can accumulate in it, and science suspects that this is associated with an increased risk of cancer.
Conclusion: it is better for health to live indoors without shoes. According to researchers, it is better to take off street shoes at the door than to enter the apartment in them.
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