It is dangerous, but you want: how much you can drink without harming your health
For many people, a time of rest and relaxation is associated with drinking alcohol. A holiday or just a meeting with friends, it is impossible to imagine without a glass of sparkling wine and not only…
Frequent alcohol consumption leads to problems with the liver, heart, gastrointestinal tract and brain activity. In addition, alcohol affects family and social life, as well as work.
It is known that the line between drinking and alcoholism is thin, and the more often you drink, the more it blurs.
p>Much depends on the country of residence and the environment of communication. Research shows that in some cases, limited alcohol consumption is even more beneficial than its complete elimination. Here is, for example, what scientists say about the health benefits of wine.
What is a standard portion?
In most countries, one portion of alcohol is 10-14 grams of alcohol. Here are sample equivalents in drinks:
– 50 ml of vodka, rum or whiskey (40%);
– 150 ml of wine (12%);
– 400-500 ml of beer (5%).
The strength is indicated for a reason, because the same beer can have 3% alcohol or more than 10. That is why, even if you think that you and your friends are eat little by little and on an equal footing, the reality may not be so rosy at all.
What is “restricted drinking”?
To explain in simple words, this is an option when a person does not get drunk to the point of passing out control and does not want to finish everything on the table.
In scientific terms, this is no more than 14 standard portions per week for men and 7 for women. Differences in norms are due to differences in the structure of the male and female bodies (the latter has less water and dehydrogenase to break down alcohol), as well as hormonal status.
Ultimately, the decision about how often and how much to drink is yours to make. . But the pros and cons of different options are obvious.
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