It is dangerous to drink water from the taps: a deputy of the Kyiv City Council says that 80% of the water supply network is in a state of emergency, Kyivvodokanal – refutes

The head of the “budget” commission of the Kyiv Council Andriy Vitrenko claims that the city council is discussing the creation of the Kyivvodokanal utility company instead of the private company of the same name, but this will put the debts of the latter on the shoulders of Kyivans in the form of increased tariffs for water supply.

This was stated by the deputy of the Kyiv City Council, the head of the “budget” commission Andriy Vitrenko to the publication Kyiv1. The allocation of half a billion hryvnias is due to the fact that the year before last, a large number of Kyiv residents left the city due to the beginning of Russian aggression, but the expenses of PrJSC “Kyivvodokanal” for bringing water to proper condition, maintaining sewage drains and drainage remained at the previous, pre-war level.< /p>

This amount was transferred from the reserve fund of the state budget to the accounts of PrJSC, therefore, according to the contract, this company has to return the funds. This is not the debt of the people of Kyiv, it is the irresponsibility of the management of PJSC “Kyivvodokanal”, which is mostly owned by an offshore company, the ultimate owner of which is very difficult to trace, and Kyivans own only 25%, Vitrenko noted.

According to the deputy, the city authorities are trying to control the work of PJSC “Kyivvodokanal”. After all, it was the Kyiv City Council that concluded the contract according to which the company got access to the water supply networks so as not to raise tariffs for Kyiv residents. But currently the situation with the infrastructure in the city is terrible.

We constantly see all over the city how new water geysers and sinkholes appear, as well as a large number of roads dug up by utility workers to repair water networks, and all this indicates the unsatisfactory state of these networks. Now the interests of ordinary Kyivans and society are different, and I have a simple question: who among Kyivans last drank water from the tap and when? Because drinking water from the tap is one of the conditions for joining the EU, therefore there should be drinking water from the tap in the capital, – adds the deputy.

Vitrenko reminded that the Kyiv City Council is currently discussing a project under which the Kyivvodokanal utility company will be created. Its authorized capital will amount to UAH 1.5 billion, but Vitrenko says that the state does not have such funds for water supply networks, besides, it is not known when PrJSC will return UAH 500 million to the Kyiv City Council and in what condition the private company will return the water supply networks. The deputy also claims that if the Kyiv City Council decides to create the “Kyivvodokanal” KP, there will be a greater likelihood of raising water tariffs.

As for raising water tariffs now, I cannot say whether they will raise water prices, because the Kyiv City Council is not dealing with a state or communal enterprise, but with a private one, so there are no forecasts, – says Andriy Vitrenko.

“This is a distortion of facts and manipulation”: Kyivvodokanal says about the quality of services

In the end, PJSC “Kyivvodokanal” responded to Vitrenka's words by issuing a special statement regarding water quality. It was noted there: the information that tap water in the capital is allegedly dangerous to drink is “not true”, is a “distortion of facts and manipulation”, the purpose of which is to discredit the work of the water utility.

Indeed, currently in Kyiv, water supply the networks are significantly worn out, because we work in conditions of critical underfunding with unprofitable tariffs that do not cover all costs and do not allow us to replace the networks in the necessary volume, – the Vodokanal noted, adding: despite the difficult and dangerous conditions of war, specialists manage to work, providing the capital with drinking water and drainage.

PJSC “Kyivvodokanal” emphasized that, despite the difficulties, the company ensures the proper quality of water supplied to the final consumer. Quality control is carried out at all stages of preparation – at the exit from treatment facilities and in the distribution water networks of the capital, at control points located in all districts of the city.

Currently, there are no deviations from the standards in tap water. The quality of drinking water corresponds to the current State sanitary rules and norms of DSanPiN, – summarized in PrJSC “Kyivvodokanal”.

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Author: alex

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