It shouldn't be like this: these attitudes from childhood doom you to eternal poverty
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It is necessary to get rid of the habits that shape the psychology of poverty.
Many low-income people dream of breaking out of poverty, but often do not realize that some habits prevent them to succeed At most, attitudes imposed in childhood can unconsciously influence financial decisions, dooming a person to poverty in adulthood.
Such barriers need to be removed urgently.
What attitudes since childhood they prevent you from getting rich
Eternal “no money”
The attitude of “there is no money”, which was instilled in childhood, often creates in a person a feeling of a constant shortage of resources and hopelessness. In families where the lack of money is regularly discussed, children learn that money is hard to come by and there will always be not enough of it. At most, a person will believe that without a huge capital, he will not be capable of anything. Such an attitude can create a fear of spending, limit the desire to take risks and strive for more, creating a mental barrier to financial growth.
“You haven't lived long, you shouldn't even start”
Such a phrase could be used jokingly by parents, but it could also leave its mark on the child's psyche. Such an attitude reflects a deep conviction that wealth and financial well-being are not for “ordinary people”. This mindset is most often formed in families where any attempts to improve the material situation were perceived as useless or even dangerous. In adult life, such an attitude can manifest itself in an unwillingness to seek large incomes, to look for new opportunities or to change the usual way of life.
“There is nothing for you here, but if you earn, it will be”
This attitude is formed in childhood, when the child often hears that the things he uses do not belong to him, only given by his parents. Such a perception can create in a person a feeling of dependence and mistrust of one's own achievements. In adulthood, this attitude manifests itself as low self-esteem and the feeling that in order to obtain something of value, you have to go a difficult and long way before you deserve success.
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