It turned out that rice from bags is practically not useful for the body
Nutritionists often compare the benefits of different varieties of rice. In this regard, experts also answered the question of whether instant rice sold in bags is useful.
As a rule, this is white steamed or long-grain rice, which is so processed that it has practically no minerals, fiber, and vitamins. Therefore, it does not carry any nutritional value for the body.
In addition, such rice has a high glycemic index – after eating it, blood sugar rises sharply. Do not forget that when preparing packaged rice, polyethylene is boiled in boiling water, which can lead to harmful substances entering the rice.
As a result, experts advise eating brown unpolished rice, which is coarser than white, but contains a lot of fiber and therefore provides satiety for a long time. It is known that brown rice is a good means of preventing colon cancer and other diseases.
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