Italian scientists have listed the diseases in which the use of pomegranate is contraindicated
Italian scientists said , to whom it is contraindicated to include pomegranate in the diet. Despite all its indisputable benefits, experts do not recommend eating more than one fruit a day, even for healthy people.
If a person has a history of hypotension, then he should refuse to use pomegranate, as it can lower blood pressure. Gastritis, ulcer and enteritis, which are accompanied by high acidity of the stomach, are also contraindicated. You should not eat this fruit with hemorrhoids, which is in an acute stage, and chronic constipation.
It should be borne in mind that the acids contained in large quantities in pomegranate juice damage tooth enamel. Dietitians recommend drinking it through a tube, and then rinse your mouth.
The skin of the fruit contains such poisonous substances as alkaloids, so you should consult a doctor before using it in the form of decoctions and infusions.< /p>
In addition, pomegranate nectar is incompatible with some medicines, so it should be avoided during treatment with medicines.
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