Itchy head: what is the cause of the itching and should I see a doctor?

An itchy head can really ruin a person's life. Doctors name a lot of reasons why the skin can itch. Accordingly, the methods of getting rid of the problem are different. What exactly are the causes of itching and whether you need to go to the hospital, we will tell you in the material.

Treating such a problem is impossible without determining the causes of its occurrence. It is unlikely that you will be able to do it yourself, since this requires competent medical care. Including, it is necessary to pass the appropriate tests.

The skin does not have special receptors that can cause itching. There are several types of itching, for example, caused by dermatological ailments, associated with diseases of internal systems and organs, caused by mental disorders and many others. Sometimes the head can itch for no apparent reason.

Very often, an itchy scalp is accompanied by other problems – the itchy area can start to bleed, become crusty, and be painful. Among the common causes of an itchy scalp, doctors call the following:

Improper care

If hair care products are chosen incorrectly, if they are not used as required by the instructions, then there is a possibility of itching. Very often this is the reason why the head starts to itch. This reason can include, for example, an allergic reaction to a care product or poorly washed off shampoo. If high-quality scalp washing and changing the product did not help, then it is worth considering other reasons.

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Author: alex

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