It's all wrong! 3 popular myths about a good night's rest

Scientists have already proven that sleep affects absolutely all areas of our lives. And, it seems, everyone knows how important a solid, regular and high-quality night's rest is. However, there are still so many myths around sleep that it is already difficult to stop believing them.

1. Everyone needs 8 hours of sleep

This is a standard recommendation, but it does not take into account the characteristics of a particular person. The need for sleep is individual and is largely determined by genetics. Sleep is regulated by two systems. One of them is circadian (a 24-hour biological rhythm caused by the change of day and night). But for some, these hours work differently. The second system is the homeostatic need for sleep, which increases when a person does not sleep for a long time. And if you need less or more than 8 hours of sleep, following the general recommendation is inconvenient.

2. You can get by with six hours

An even more dangerous myth is that a person can be satisfied with a small amount of sleep. People who sleep little make up only 5% of the entire population. The problem is that many exaggerate their capabilities and believe that lack of sleep does not affect productivity.

3. People sleep less with age

In fact, this is not so. The need for sleep is established in adolescence and then almost does not change. Sleep disorders such as insomnia or apnea (breathing problems) may occur. In addition, many people need a midday rest as they age, as the influence of circadian rhythms weakens.

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Author: alex

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