It's never too late to get in shape

Just 20 minutes a day of physical activity even at the age of 70 reduces the risk of heart disease by half after 80. Researchers from the University of Padua in Italy came to this conclusion.

If a person after the age of 70 devotes at least 20 minutes a day to physical activity, he thereby cuts the risk of potentially fatal disease by half dangerous heart problems in older age.

Italian researchers found that men between the ages of 70 and 75 who regularly take care of the garden and vegetable garden, ride a bicycle, walk a lot or perform other types of physical activity loads of this duration are 52% less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, compared to their physically inactive peers.

Older women who also do not forget to do sports also reduce this risk, although only by 8 %. The researchers believe that they have been able to prove the idea that it is better late than never when it comes to exercise. They strengthen the heart and lower blood pressure, protecting the heart and blood vessels.

Scientists claim that their findings convincingly support recommendations for people of all ages to start regular training at any period of their lives. Many people do not do it because they consider themselves too old for sports. But the research clearly shows that the positive effect of these trainings is available to representatives of almost all age groups.

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Author: alex

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