Japanese doctor recommends longevity drinks for diabetics
Two popular drinks have been shown to reduce the risk of early death. Studies on their effect on life expectancy were conducted among diabetics. This was reported by the lead researcher from the Japanese University of Kyushu Yuji Komorita.
We are talking about green tea and coffee. Scientists monitored the health of almost 5,000 Japanese people with type 2 diabetes for five years. The average age of the patients was 66 years.
According to Dr. Komorit, those who drank one or both of these beverages had a better chance of living longer than study participants who did not drink anything. Thus, one cup of green tea a day reduced the risk of death by 15%, and two or three servings – by 27%. Four or more – by 40%. One cup of coffee a day reduced the risk of early death by 19%, two or more – by 41%.
Green tea, the doctor says, contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components: phenols, theanine and caffeine. Coffee, in turn, improves the body's sensitivity to insulin, the specialist noted.
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