Japanese scientists have revealed the dangers of fad diets
Any diet is stress for the body and a risk to health. Only if we are not talking about therapeutic diets that are balanced and compiled by specialists. The rest of the “fashionable” diets can carry a real threat.
A new study has shown that excessive consumption of various carbohydrates and fats increases the risk of early death. A research team from the Graduate School of Medicine of Nagoya University in Japan studied the diets of more than 80,000 Japanese people for 9 years. Volunteers regularly filled out a questionnaire about their food frequency and diet.
It turned out that early mortality was most often associated with low carbohydrate intake in men and high intake in women. Thus, men who consumed less than 40% of carbohydrates for total energy had a higher risk of death from cancer and other dangerous diseases. In women, this risk was associated with consumption of more than 65% carbohydrates.
The authors of the study concluded that diets low in fat and carbohydrates can be dangerous for the lives of both women and men. In the long term, this type of nutrition leads to numerous health problems.
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