Joint aches: causes of arthrosis after 30 years


at a young age you ran and were cheerful as a cucumber. Але ось після 30 років розумієте, що молодість безповоротно проходить: все болить, хрумтить, погано розгинаються суглоби. Meet – his majesty arthrosis. Why this disease occurs and whether it can be protected from it, we tell in our material.

What is arthrosis

arthrosis is a disease of the joints. It is one of the most common around the world. It cannot be said that arthrosis is excessively dangerous. However, it can significantly reduce the quality of life, because there are chronic pain and impaired joint mobility. All this in improper treatment (or absence of such) can lead to a wheelchair.

In order to never face such complications, you should have sufficient information about the disease. In particular, to know about the causes of arthrosis and disease prevention. If you do not do this, health will not improve, so you need to monitor the figure on the scales. Among the diseases that are triggered by overweight are knee arthrosis and hip joints. After all, with a lot of weight, there is an extra load on these parts of the body.

Secondly, the cause of arthrosis is the lack of movement in life. A sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, machine, elevator, lack of sports or exercise – all these are factors that provoke arthrosis after 30 years. Although many people think that joints can wear out through movement, which will lead to the disease. To some extent, this is true, but arthrosis can develop in two cases – either with excessive loads or in the absence of such in principle. That is why the golden middle must be followed.

Due to the lack of movement of the structure of the musculoskeletal system, they gradually atrophy, which leads to weakening of the muscles, increasing the load on the knee and hip joints. Be moderate exercise to strengthen muscles, ligaments, activate metabolic processes in the joints.

It should be noted that there are a number of loads that can also cause arthrosis after 30 years. These include stairs, but only descent. Walking down occurs pressure on the cartilage and ligaments of the knees, so you should rest on the railing when descending the stairs or using an elevator. But the rise on the contrary will have a positive health.

running can also cause joint misfortune. Of course, with a competent approach to this sport, no problems should arise. However, many people neglect them and run around. But jogging should be engaged in special sneakers with elastic sole, not on asphalt or concrete. Otherwise you are practically guaranteed arthrosis.

Warm -free workouts also promise a problem with joints. The same goes for injuries. And, of course, any excessive load can be the cause of arthrosis after 30 years. No wonder most professional athletes suffer from this disease.

Prevention of arthrosis

If desired, you can get rid of the development of arthrosis. To do this, first of all you need to control your weight. Proper nutrition and moderate exercise will help you with this. The absence of too fatty foods will help to protect yourself from obesity. In particular, you should forget about consumption of vegetable and butter, mayonnaise, ketchups, fatty meat, sweets and baking. But vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, algae and other foods with a high content of fiber will be an excellent preventive measure against arthrosis after 30 years. The fact that the absence of sex hormones can adversely affect the musculoskeletal system. The decrease in ovarian function leads to impaired calcium metabolism, bone loss, increased probability of osteoporosis, arthrosis and bone fractures. As a rule, in such cases, women are prescribed estrogens, progesterone. But this should only be done as directed by a doctor.

there are other substances that can reduce the risk of arthrosis after 30 years. Contact a specialist consult for him to recommend those that are right for you.

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Author: alex

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