Juice from a common vegetable will help lower blood pressure

Increased blood millions of people suffer from this pressure. You can prevent the development of hypertension if you lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. As research has shown, one very common root vegetable is excellent at fighting pressure.

According to the British Heart Foundation (British Heart Foundation), at least five million British adults live with undiagnosed hypertension, which means they don't know , who are in the risk group. “Healthy lifestyle changes help reduce the risk of developing hypertension or lower blood pressure if it is already elevated,” says the National Health Service.

Blood pressure is the force that acts on blood vessels and internal organs when the heart pumps blood around the body.

This parameter is expressed in two numbers. Systolic pressure, the larger number, is the force with which your heart pumps blood around the body.

Diastolic pressure, the smaller number, expresses the resistance to blood flow in the vessels.

“If your blood pressure is between 120/80 mmHg. Art. and 140/90 mm Hg. art., then you are prone to the risk of developing hypertension if you do not monitor your condition,” the National Health Service says.

Fortunately, there are a number of products that can lower blood pressure. Indeed, several small-scale studies have shown that carrots can lower blood pressure.

A study involving 2,195 people found that eating raw carrots was associated with lower blood pressure. that lower blood pressure with a diet rich in vegetables can be explained by the high content of fiber, vegetable protein and a number of vitamins.

As it is claimed, earlier studies involving vegetarians and meat eaters showed that blood pressure was lower in those who called themselves vegetarian compared to those who did not follow such a diet.

On the portal , on blood pressure, Blood Pressure Explained notes that vegetable juices are often praised for their benefits, although carrot juice “doesn't get mentioned when talking about blood pressure.”

“Carrot juice helps with blood pressure. Studies have shown that it lowers systolic and diastolic pressure,” the portal said.

“Vegetables and fruits are an integral part of a healthy diet, which can prevent many health problems,” confirms the charity Blood Pressure UK.

These products often contain potassium, a mineral, which “lowers blood pressure”.

“Vegetables and fruit directly counteract the effect of salt, which contains sodium and which raises blood pressure,” notes Blood Pressure UK.

They are rich in various vitamins and minerals that support the health of the body. In addition, they are low in calories and high in fiber, which helps digestion and heart health.”

The NHS also lists other ways to change your lifestyle to prevent hypertension or fight against it.

Among the recommendations is to reduce the amount of salt consumed and make the diet healthier in general; reduce the amount of alcohol and caffeine; lose weight if you are obese; give up smoking.

Some hypertensive patients need to take medication. If you're over 40, the NHS recommends that you have your blood pressure checked every five years.

As the British Heart Foundation explains, many people with high blood pressure feel fine, so “ it is important to measure it regularly”.

Physical activity, according to experts, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

The only way to find out what you have hypertension, – measure the pressure.

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Author: alex

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