Juicy and striped: how to choose a watermelon


Finally, watermelons have waited this seasonal delicacy. But not everyone knows how to choose the right one. Yellow spot. On this side, watermelon lay the earth. At the time of ripening, the sun no longer falls into this place. No chlorophyll in the skin.

2. Dry tail. It dries when ripe watermelon stops absorbing moisture from the soil.

3. Sound from clicking. It should be ringing, resonating.

4. The skin is closer to the matte. The glossy fruit is still in the growth process. Therefore, 100% ripe and sweet watermelon can only be chosen on the melons. But it is worth the risk!

  • disappointment can be expected in July, when early watermelons appear at inflated prices. They ripened on the road and have a watery taste. It's a mistake. You can hear the shook on the melons when the structure of the pulp in layers adjacent to the crust is destroyed. Watermelon is rolled and thrown during loads, everything that could be crushed. Make sure there are no soft areas and cracks. Overgrowths occur from excess fertilizers. They are tasteless.
  • The presence of “nitrates” is a stable folk mistake. Nitrates are found in all immature vegetables and fruits. They disappear at the time of ripening. “Nitratomera” fictional for too trusting.
  • just wash the watermelon well and enjoy the summer gift at the family table!

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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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