Key sign of liver disease named
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The liver is one of the key organs responsible for detoxification blood, metabolism and production of substances that provide vital processes in the body. If it does not work properly, serious health problems may arise.
To understand the state of the organ, doctors advise paying attention to several signs. However, fluid retention in the body is considered the most common symptom of liver disease. According to the Cleveland Clinic, this symptom is experienced by about 50% of people with cirrhosis, the most severe form of liver disease in which scar tissue replaces healthy tissue.
Fluid retention, in turn, can manifest as leg swelling. or bloating. This is because the liver can no longer produce albumin, a protein that prevents fluid from leaking out of the blood vessels into the tissues.
Other symptoms of liver disease include:
- jaundice, the cause which is the accumulation of bilirubin produced by red blood cells in the eyes and skin. When the liver malfunctions, it can no longer process it properly;
- bleeding caused by the fact that the scar tissue in the liver does not allow it to process the required amount of blood. As a result, it enters organs such as the esophagus and digestive tract and is excreted with vomiting;
- itching of the skin caused by the accumulation of large amounts of bile acid salts under the skin.
To maintain liver health, it is recommended to exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, reduce alcohol consumption, and get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B. In addition, it is important to take medications carefully and strictly under under the supervision of a specialist.
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