Known products and an acidic drink will help you fall asleep faster

Studies have repeatedly proven that diet and the quality of sleep is inextricably linked. Yes, what a person eats throughout the day, as well as the time of meals can affect the speed of falling asleep. Experts have given some advice on dietary changes that will help you sleep better.

The first thing experts recommend is not to skip the morning meal. A balanced breakfast with low sugar and plenty of healthy fats and proteins will keep you energized throughout the day. Good options are porridge or muesli, say experts. According to research, sleep quality tended to improve in participants who ate breakfast.

In addition, it is recommended to limit alcohol consumption before bedtime. It can help you fall asleep quickly, but only for a short time. This means that a person's full sleep will be disturbed. It is also advised to make sure that the body receives a sufficient number of calories during the day. Experts explained that a person often confuses hunger, thirst and fatigue, so it is important to correctly distribute the consumption of food and water during for. During sleep, the body works – in this regard, it is important to provide it with a sufficient amount of nutrients so that they are enough for the night.

It is noted that late eating contributes to sleep disturbances, as food suppresses the natural production of melatonin . This hormone plays a crucial role in regulating the natural sleep cycle. However, if you don't want to go to bed hungry, you can have a little snack to feel comfortable. The main thing is to choose the right snacks that will not disturb sleep. Prunes and bananas are perfect.

According to experts, you can drink cherry juice before going to bed. Cherries have a high content of melatonin, as well as anti-inflammatory properties that can positively affect sleep. It is noted that the drink should not contain sugar.


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Author: alex

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