Known to many, “useful” habits have been called a threat to longevity

One of the keys to longevity is called the right food. However, experts say that some habits are only useful at first glance.

Agave Syrup

As nutritionist Lisa Simon explained, the list of bad habits includes the use of agave syrup. It is a natural sweetener similar in consistency to honey. According to Simon, this product is marketed as a healthier alternative to sugar and is often referred to as “diabetic friendly” because of its low glycemic index. “The reason for this is that about 85 percent of agave syrup is fructose, and it doesn't have the same effect on blood glucose levels as sucrose (table sugar),” she said. However, the doctor warned, consuming large amounts of fructose can overload the liver, turn it into fat and raise cholesterol levels. The latter, in turn, is a frequent cause of heart disease and diabetes.


Another dangerous dietary decision is the use of muesli, according to Simon. “They may seem like healthy food because of the content of oats, nuts, seeds and dried fruit, but in reality many store-bought granola bars are loaded with sugar,” explained the nutritionist. 

Vitamin supplements

“You also have to be careful with high-dose vitamin supplements,” warned Simon. She added: “The problem is that they don't come packed with all the beneficial components of whole plant foods, and some, such as vitamin E, can be harmful if taken in large doses over a long period of time. According to the National Institutes of Health, high doses of vitamin E can increase the risk of bleeding in the body.

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Author: alex

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