Lack of sleep provokes obesity of internal organs

If you get less than 4 hours of sleep each night, it could be the appearance of a large amount of fat around the internal organs. And this threatens us with serious problems with the heart and kidneys.

Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester found that a lack of sleep provokes not only fatigue during the day, but also internal obesity. According to a number of experts, it is more dangerous than external obesity, which is clearly visible. But the victim of internal obesity can look like a completely slender person, although in his body fat gradually surrounds important organs, which threatens their serious dysfunction.

Lack of sleep leads to the appearance of so-called visceral fat in the abdomen, which can provoke serious problems for the heart and other organs of our body. The conclusion of this study is very important, because lack of sleep is a very common problem for a large number of people nowadays.

The speed of modern life, the use of new technologies, smartphones, rush hours at work, social networks and other factors deprive us of the necessary and adequate amount of night rest. The accumulation of fat around the internal organs undermines their normal work, it is associated with type 2 diabetes and other very serious disorders.

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Author: alex

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