Late childbirth: for and against such pregnancy
Pregnancy after 30 years now is not news for anyone. Although 100 years ago, such women were considered old. The idea of late pregnancy has changed significantly. We will understand the pros and cons of late childbirth in our material. But there are those who give birth to the firstborn older than this age. Moreover, the figures in recent years have increased. And here is the number of those who give birth at a young age slowly but correctly reduced.
In the past, the old people were called after 26-27 years. Today, this name for women with late birth is not considered correct. Women who give birth for 35 are called age -old pregnant women. Not uncommon when the firstborn is born even at 40 or 50 years old.In Ukraine, those who gave birth in 56-57 are recognized as the most adult pregnant women. At the same time, the inevitable changes in the reproductive system begin after 30-35 years. However, there is no need to be urgently born in youth. While the ovaries work, eggs ripen, conception and birth of children are possible. There are many examples that gave birth at a later age and no one was injured. This is the most common age, as women have already built a career and have been educated. There are also factors such as the availability of different types of contraception, high levels of medicine, the emergence of auxiliary reproductive technologies. In doing so, doctors and scientists are not so optimistic in late childbirth issues.By the time a woman gives birth at a late age, she already has a career -built education. There is often housing, and grandparents are still able to babies with your baby. Plans for the future become more specific. At this age, parents are able to give a lot of child.
in 30-40 years, a woman is usually full of energy. It has strength, and most importantly, it is more responsible for motherhood. At this age a lot of chance to conceive twins or twin.
The disadvantages of late childbirth
should not be deny that the body is gradually growing. The quality of the eggs will gradually decline after 30. The chances of pregnancy are no longer as high as at 20 years. And after 35 years they will only decline.
the threat of miscarriage at the age of 35 becomes higher. Also high risks of pregnancy, chromosomal pathologies and defects in the fetus. Increased risk of gestational diabetes, abnormal weight gain, eclampia, late gestosis. Complications are possible. It is important to take a responsible planning, visit your doctor, be examined and follow your doctor's advice.
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