Life situations in which it is better to lie than to tell the truth

Are you saying you've never lied? And remember how in school you made up a believable lie about why you didn't do your homework.

And how in college you told your boyfriend that you couldn't continue your relationship because you were single you don't suit one, and the whole thing was that he was shorter than you, but you didn't want to offend him with that, which is a reason to break up. You will agree that it was a lie for good. In the first case – for you, in the second case – for another person.

It turns out that sometimes there are situations when it is better to lie than to tell the truth. And you will be fine, and others will not be harmed. For convenience and emotional comfort, we will replace the word “lie” with “tell the truth.” It sounds better that way.

Now let's discuss those situations when it is better not to tell the truth.

When the boss asks: “Why are you late for work? »

A possible answer in this situation is: “Sorry! The neighbor became ill. I had to call an ambulance and wait for it to arrive.” In fact, you couldn't bring yourself to get out of bed earlier. The pillow was already very soft, and the blanket was warm. But as a result, you won't be fired because of a little lie that didn't hurt anyone. But everything is good in moderation. Can't you call an ambulance for your neighbor every other day.

In resume

There are such psychologists in schools who send them for a consultation with a psychiatrist whenever parents contact them. And in the resume (in school it is an autobiography) there are almost three pages of information about the trainings attended, the seminars attended, the methods used, etc., etc. If people's lives do not depend on your level of professionalism, why not decorate it.

When you are asked to borrow money

Money is a frequent cause of quarrels. Therefore, if it is not vitally necessary, it is better not to borrow money, especially large amounts. Better not to lose friends. It is easier to make money than to make friends.

When asked by the owners of the house, did you enjoy your stay (or at a wedding or some other event)< /p>

Of course, I liked it. After all, they tried for you. It cannot be otherwise. Of course, you can be dissatisfied with something, but not everything. And you don't want to offend others. It was a holiday for them, and you want to leave a nasty residue.

In response to his question, how long did you have before him

That's right, in case of fire. Everything happens in life. No one will feel bad if you hide some facts. And if you think that you will feel bad, then think about him. How will it be better for him? What truth would he like to know? As much as it will be good for him, so much will be good for you. You don't want to say that you can feel happy when your loved one is worried about something.

To the question of the tax inspectorate: “How much did you earn?”

Of course, if it doesn't get away with either a prison term or, at best, a fine. But, as they say, don't give up on prison and money. Think ten times and do once. This is serious.

To the man's question: “Honey, how much is your new handbag?”

After learning the truth, the man can , at best, not to understand, and at worst, not to endure. And he will have a heart attack. Better protect your husband, he is the only one you have.

Perhaps you can find a dozen more situations when a small lie is better than a bitter truth. Now you have to answer the eternal question: “To lie or not to lie?”. Share your thoughts on this.

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Author: alex

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