List of foods to avoid if you have acid reflux (heartburn)

Burning stomach discomfort, chest pain and bloating after eating are all clear signs of acid reflux. Occasional heartburn is not unusual, but it can be a sign of a more serious problem if it persists over the long term.

In general, foods that can cause heartburn are those that cause relaxation. esophageal sphincter. Essentially, it allows food to stay in the stomach longer, delaying digestion. Some of the more common culprits include:

  • Fried foods – onion rings, french fries, fried chicken and bacon are rich in fats. Food with a high fat content stays in the stomach for a longer time, stimulating the production of stomach acid and further irritating the intestines.
  • Hot foods – chili peppers and dishes that use hot sauce, further irritate the intestines and esophagus .
  • Tomatoes and tomato-based products – they have high acidity.
  • Citrus – the high acid content in citrus relaxes the esophageal sphincter.
  • Caffeine – coffee and tea can increase acid reflux.
  • Fizzy drinks – bubbles expand in the stomach, creating pressure and pain.
  • Chocolate. There are at least three harmful ingredients in chocolate: caffeine, fat and cocoa.
  • Garlic and onions – these products can irritate and inflame the lining of the esophagus.

Tips about suppressing acid reflux or GERD flare-ups

In addition to eating the right foods and cutting back on the wrong ones, health professionals may recommend making certain changes that can further minimize the occurrence of acid reflux or GERD flare-ups.

General recommendations include:

  • Eat smaller portions-eating smaller amounts regularly can reduce stomach pressure.
  • Take your time with with food – rushing while eating can cause irritation of the esophagus and stomach.

Maintain an upright position for at least three hours after eating – lying down after eating makes it easier for stomach contents to enter the esophagus.

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Author: alex

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