Live 100 years: 9 nice habits of long -lived that they need to borrow from
all long-lived do it-why not follow their example?The lifestyle, according to the World Health Organization, largely determines not only its life, quality, but also duration. Of course, no one guarantees anything, but as scientific research shows, some habits significantly increase the chances of meeting their hundredth birthday – and in good health and clear mind. So why not borrow these nine habits of long -lived – especially since they are not only useful but also pleasant.The study, which lasted in the United States for 80 years, has confirmed: people who prefer planned, well -organized life, as a result, live longer than those who rely on Avose. Scientists may be considered, a matter of stress, which in a measured life is still less than in the unpredictable. And, perhaps, that people who are prone to planning are less likely to risk – and eventually they are less likely to fall into dangerous situations. Whatever it is, statistics on the side of boring rational organizers – which means that it may be worth shaking dust from your diary?Great news: those who go shopping daily have a significantly lower chance of dying before. As the Taiwanese study showed 2000 men and women over the age of 65, those who prefer purchases in older age increase their chances of 28%of longevity. Social interactions, physical activity, and constant memory training are three factors that make the body work and resist old age. Shopping is not only nice, but also very useful!Another surprise: Singapore scientists who have investigated the diet of India aged 60 to 90 years have come to the conclusion that regular use of Kari helps to maintain cognitive abilities in the elderly. Yes, those participants of the study who ate this dish only twice a year, as a result, faster and easier to cope with intellectual tests than those whose diet was not at all. According to researchers, the whole thing in turmeric is a spice that includes an antioxidant of curcumin, which has anti -inflammatory, antitumor and reducing cholesterol properties.Or just sing more often with your friends. Studies in the United States showed that those elderly people who attended the choir or simply sang in friends of friends often sought medical help, on average, less suffered from loneliness, and did not suffer as a common problem of elderly as sudden falls. On the one hand, this effect can have a biological justification: singing has a positive effect on the respiratory system and helps to saturate blood with oxygen. But, on the other hand, singing, especially in the company, charges positive emotions and helps fight social isolation. So sing is useful and just very nice!
use the Internet
The older we get, the more useful the World Wide Web and especially social networks becomes for us. If for people aged 40-50, social networks can be the cause of depression and health disorders, then after 55 years it is time to get involved in surfing and virtual communication. The study, which studied the degree of activity of different areas of the brain in the elderly, confirmed: those men and women who actively “read” and “surfed”, as a result, had more active areas responsible for language, reading, memory, visual features, and decision making. Internet in older age helps fight cognitive disorders is very important!
Researchers from the American project of longevity confirmed that we knew: the later a person parted with his beloved (this is important!) Work, the longer he lives. When the work causes increased stress, but a job that is satisfying and self -realization only improves physical and mental health. So the more successful you are in your professional activity (and the longer you plan to do), the higher your chances of becoming a long -lived.The less you tend to worry about life, the longer you live, the researchers at Harvard University say. In their opinion (and it is difficult to disagree), psychological stability allows to minimize the level of stress, thereby protecting both mental and physical health. Whatever your age is, it is still important for you to sleep at least eight hours daily. Follow sleep, walk at bedtime, meditate, try other relaxing techniques – all this will inevitably affect your health in the most favorable way. Sleep is both health and longevity. This is especially important for the elderly, as it helps to maintain a healthy level of physical activity. In addition, during regular walks with pets, dog owners often get acquainted, communicate and receive so necessary in adulthood support and social interaction.
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