Liver, Kidney and Stomach Risk: How Ibuprofen Can Cause Health Problems

Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory that relieves pain. By the end of the last century, it earned a reputation as a milder and safer “younger brother” of aspirin. However, like most drugs, ibuprofen can have serious side effects with constant use or incorrect dosage.

What daily intake of ibuprofen can do to the human body, said the doctor of medical sciences. According to experts, you should use the minimum dose of this drug to relieve symptoms and stop taking it as soon as possible.

Side effects of taking ibuprofen:

  • increased risk of serious cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes;
  • headache. Oddly enough, regular use of painkillers to treat headaches has the opposite effect—pains occur more often, Dr. Lynn Poston said;
  • increase in blood pressure. According to the Mayo Clinic, high blood pressure is often not felt by a person and can be asymptomatic for a long time. If left untreated, it can cause health problems such as heart problems;
  • damage to liver cells. Regular use of ibuprofen, according to Dr. Siddharth Tambar, can lead to damage to this organ. The liver recovers quickly, but if its suppression continues, it can cause cirrhosis;
  • the stomach loses its protective barrier and becomes susceptible to damage. According to Dr. Barry Horlicki, regular use of this drug can eventually lead to gastritis or something more serious, such as stomach ulcers;
  • damage to kidney cells. High doses of ibuprofen can cause kidney damage that may be irreversible in some patients. As a result, they will need long-term dialysis, noted Dr. Kenneth Perry;
  • swelling of the legs and body. This is a visible side effect of taking the drug daily. As Dr. Magdalena Cadet explains, edema is caused by excess fluid entering the body's tissues. Often this symptom passes immediately after stopping the medication.

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Author: alex

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