Long-lived people have revealed the secret of their good health
Director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California, Dr. Walter Longo conducted a study in which he interviewed people whose age exceeded the 100-year mark.
According to Longo, everyone has one common, characteristic habit – to do any physical activity every day, in particular – to walk.
“In Calabria [Italy], 110-year-old Salvatore Caruso told me how he walked every day,” says Longo. According to him, Caruso went to an olive grove where he worked on plants.
In addition, the doctor learned from the residents of the island of Okinawa in Japan, who are famous for their longevity, that they do manual labor every day, and almost no one retires. Many Okinawans also practice Martial Arts, especially the dance version of Tai Chi.
According to Longo, It doesn't matter what kind of exercise you do. The main thing is to choose the one that you will like and can effectively fit into your daily routine. “It is important to do sports, but not to overexert yourself, because over time the knees, hips and joints will be damaged,” says the doctor.
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