Lose weight healthily! 5 vitamins that will help you lose weight
If your body lacks certain microelements, you can try to lose weight for a very long time, but to no avail. Nutritionists have identified five main vitamins that will help you lose weight faster.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A, also known as retinol, helps increase performance, speeds up metabolism, and helps you recover quickly after exercise. A sufficient amount of vitamin A during weight loss is a guarantee that your immunity will not weaken, as often happens during a diet.
Vitamin A is not found in foods in its pure form; it is synthesized from retinol and carotenoids. You will find the first in the liver – chicken, beef, pork or fish, egg yolks, dairy products and butter. But look for carotenoids in vegetables, fruits and berries of red and orange color, for example, tomatoes, carrots, peaches, apricots, red peppers and pumpkin. It is also abundant in zucchini, cabbage and fresh herbs.
Calcium is the best friend of those who are losing weight! In addition to being the main “builder” of the body, calcium also acts as an activator of many enzymes that contribute to the release of energy, which directly affects the rate of metabolism.
The best sources of calcium are dairy products. Kefir, milk, yogurt, hard cheeses, cottage cheese… But it is better if these products have a low percentage of fat. Bet on fermented milk if you want to get rid of excess fat in the abdominal area. And don't forget, a large amount of dairy products in the diet reduces the risk of side effects during a diet.
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