Lung cancer: 4 factors that especially seriously increase the risk of the disease
Factors of increased risk of lung cancer were listed in an interview by specialists of Cancer Research UK (Great Britain).
Experts state: lung cancer accounts for approximately one fifth of all cancer deaths in women and men combined, except for colon, prostate and breast cancer.
“Although the chances of living long after being diagnosed with lung cancer are slim, it is one of the most preventable types of cancer. That is why it is so important to understand the main risk factors – it helps to reduce the risk of its occurrence”, warns Cancer Research UK.
Smoking. Especially seriously increases the risk of developing lung cancer. Statistically, more than 70% of its cases are associated with smoking. When a person smokes, more than 5,000 chemicals enter his lungs, and at least 70 of them can cause cancer by damaging DNA.
Dirty air.Scientists have in mind not only street air. Its indoor pollution due to passive smoking, as well as smoke created by burning wood or coal, cooking, can also seriously increase the risk of getting sick. It is important to protect yourself from exposure to any type of smoke.
Risks at the workplace. Many types of professional activity are associated with people's susceptibility to this disease, but certain types of work can carry more high risk. These include, for example, working with asbestos, diesel engine exhaust, silica, pesticides and herbicides, as well as working in the sun.
Family tendency. Only about 8% of lung cancers are transmitted inherited or the result of a genetic predisposition.
“Most cancers develop through a combination of random exposures and our environment, not because we have inherited a predisposition to the disease. However, if you think you have a strong family history of lung cancer or another type of cancer, you should talk about it with your therapist,” experts recommend.
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