Make a wish. The astrologer told about the “Sabbath of the Wheel of the Year”, which has already arrived

Few people know about the interesting astrological event Lammas (Lughnasad) – “the Sabbath of the Wheel of the Year”. It turned out that it has already arrived, but there is still time to make a wish and summon happiness.

What is Lammas and when it comes

“In many countries, Lammas or Lughnasadh is celebrated on August 1 – a Celtic pagan festival of the beginning of autumn. Its name translates as “meadow gathering” or “meadow wedding” in honor of the ancient deity. But, like many of the “Wheel of the Year” covens, now it has lost its true date,” Solovyova explained.

“From the beginning, it was associated with the existence of the oldest calendar astrology, which helped to determine the periods of passage of the Sun️ through certain degrees of certain signs of the Zodiac. In this way, the main dates were calculated, which in one way or another are played in absolutely all the great spiritual traditions of the world,” she added.

There are only eight such “universal” dates and degrees. All symbolic actions carried out at this time reflect the symbolism of the eternal confrontation between Light and Darkness, Life and Death.

“The four dates are the first degrees of the cardinal signs. These are two points of the Equinox and two of the Solstice. The physical meaning of the Solstices is the minimum and maximum of solar energy, the time of turning to Light or Darkness. On the days of the Equinox, the length of day and night is the same. This is the middle of the road, the equator, the balance of the Forces, but also the days when one of the Forces gets the upper hand,” the astrologer said.

“Traditionally, the Solstice is a day of joy, fun, and active action, while the Equinox days are more for spiritual reflection and self-evaluation. During these periods, such ritual holidays as Yole (winter solstice), Ostara (spring equinox), Lita (summer solstice) and Mabon (autumn equinox) are held,” she also informed.

Four other most important points of any year are much less known, Solovyova noted, than the Equinox and Solstice. And in vain, according to the astrologer. These are the minimums and maximums of acceleration with which the power of Light and Darkness increases (or decreases), the maximum of their potential.

They fall on the central, fifteenth degrees of the fixed signs of the Zodiac. And it was they who suffered the most from the inaccuracies of calendars and observance of traditions

“Among them are Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh (or Lammas). The last of them, Lughnasad, should be celebrated at the moment when the daylight enters the 15th degree of Leo. Unfortunately, this day now has a fixed date (August 1), due to which the connection with its original astrological meaning has been completely lost. In fact, its actual dates vary from August 6-8, depending on the specific year,” Solovyova said.

When will Lammas be

In 2024, the Sun enters the 15th degree of the fifth sign of the Zodiac at approximately 02:10 on August 6, and rises from there on August 7, approximately at 03:10.

In honor of Lughnasad, round bread is baked by hand of the form symbolizing the Sun️, which is considered a symbol of this ancient holiday.

On this day, it is not recommended to participate in quarrels, complain about anything, give up your goals and plans, give in to fears, retreat before obstacles, be stingy .

To attract luck, you can:

  • write down your achievements on paper, what you can thank the Universe for
  • help the needy
  • review your relationships with others, stop clinging to the past
  • finish all unfinished business
  • make a feast for relatives and friends (on the festive table grains, corn, apples, pears, pies, nuts, vegetables should be present)
  • express warm feelings to relatives, friends, loved ones
  • outline your plans for studies, enroll in courses, in short – strive to gain new knowledge
  • make a wish – the mystical power of the holiday will facilitate its fulfillment
  • make a gift for yourself and your loved ones, preferably from wood, amber or lemon
  • plan conception of a child, if previously postponed – this period is considered more favorable than ever
  • to spend time in nature.

“Since this is one of the turning points of the Wheel of the Year, it is believed that in on this day, global changes take place in the lives of so-called magicians and witches: change of work, place of residence, renewal of thoughts and actions, etc.,” the astrologer summarized.

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Author: alex

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