Man and cat: scientists named seven reasons to get a furry friend

Experts named seven scientifically proven benefits for the health of cat owners. According to scientists, cohabitation with a furry friend can be not only pleasant, but also in some cases extremely useful.

  • Cats can reduce the risk of heart disease by about 30%. Studies have shown that cat and cat owners are less prone to stress, which, in turn, affects the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Cat purring is one of the most soothing sounds, which has rightly been considered healing for a long time. According to scientists, purring contributes to the healing of joints after an injury.
  • Studies have confirmed that people sleep better with a cat than with another human. 41% of the participants of the experiment, which was conducted in Great Britain, said that they slept better because of their pet, writes the portal
  • Women are more attracted to men with pets. Experts have found that the vast majority (up to 90%) of single women perceive men with cats as sweet and caring, which, in their opinion, gives them an advantage over men without pets.
  • Cats can reduce stress and anxiety. The presence of a pet reduces the owner's level of stress and anxiety. A short petting session will be enough to make both the pet and its owner happy.
  • Cats reduce the risk of allergic reactions in children. Back in 2002, the National Institute of Health of Great Britain published the results of a study confirming that children under the age of one who were in contact with a cat were less likely to suffer from all types of allergies.
  • Simply watching a video with a cat is beneficial. Experts have established that even remote communication with cats increases the positive emotions of viewers.

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Author: alex

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