Market or bazaar: what is the difference between these concepts, and how to use the words correctly
Ukrainians use the words “bazaar” and “rynok” as synonyms. They mean places for the retail sale of food and other goods.
Linguist Olga Bagniy explained whether there is a difference between these words. In some cases, “bazaar” will be inappropriate.
If we are talking about a place for trading food products or consumer goods, then you can say both market and bazaar. In this sense, these are synonymous words.
Bazaar is an organized trade in special goods during certain seasons or periods of greatest demand for them. For example, a book bazaar, a school bazaar, a New Year's bazaar.
Market is the same as a bazaar. The sphere of commodity exchange, supply and solvent demand for goods in the world economy, countries, etc.: sales market, world market, commodity market.
Market on a global scale is the sphere of commodity exchange, supply and solvent demand for goods on the scale of the world economy, a country or its individual regions.
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