Maundy Thursday 2024: the main signs of this day
The last week before Easter is called Passion. And every day is important, including Maundy Thursday, on which it is customary to observe several omens.
Maundy Thursday is celebrated three days before the Resurrection of Christ. In 2024 Maundy Thursday falls on May 2. This is a day of spiritual cleansing, acceptance of the sacrament. Focus collected information about the main signs of this day.
The meaning of Maundy Thursday
According to the Bible, on this day Jesus Christ personally washed the feet of his disciples during the Last Supper. Hence the name of the holiday – Maundy Thursday. It is believed that on this day water has healing properties, helps to cleanse the human body and spirit from diseases. On this day, liturgy is held in churches, and parishioners have the opportunity to receive communion and repent of their sins. Believers should remember to pray, strictly observe fasting and observe traditions.
Omens for Maundy Thursday
- It is considered a good omen to get up early and bathe early, and even before sunrise. Morning water has a special power, it cleanses and washes away all bad things.
- If you wash yourself with water from a basin, into which you have previously thrown a silver spoon, ornament or coin, you will be able to preserve beauty, health and a blooming appearance for a long time.< /li>
- Even if you overslept the dawn and don't have silver or a basin to wash in, you should at least bathe that day. It is believed that if you do not do this, the whole next year will be accompanied by
- Cheetah Thursday is a favorable day for cleaning the house and doing laundry. It is believed that whoever meets Easter in the dirt, the whole year will be full of troubles, quarrels and disappointments.
- Today it is worth taking out all the garbage from the house – garbage, cobwebs, junk. So you will enter the next year without the burden of your own fears and negative emotions.
- Sort things out. If you don't use something for more than a year, it's better to give it to the needy. In this way, you will also help others, and you will make room for something new in your life.
- It is a bad sign to leave unwashed dishes and soaked but unwashed linen on this day.
- If the first one is prepared today the paska will be soft and ruddy – this is good and good luck. If it is dry and callous – to sorrows and troubles.
- Sunny on this day – to a warm and clear spring.
- Good weather – to family happiness and well-being.
- It will be rainy, cold and windy – until the same weather for the rest of spring.
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