Men are just as emotional as women
The stronger sex should not be represented as emotionless beings in contrast to the fair sex. The study showed that men do not differ from women in terms of emotionality.
Here is another study that can become a reason for arguments about the differences between the sexes. It is generally accepted that women are very emotional, as they often cry, laugh, and behave more freely, while men are supposed to be calm and strict.
But in terms of nervousness, enthusiasm and other indicators of emotionality, men, as with It turned out that they are not inferior to women in the least. They simply show this emotionality in different ways.
Moreover, they are perceived differently by society. For example, if a dad is watching his child play soccer and is very excited about it, gesticulating lively, shouting and even chanting something on the bench, then from the outside he seems like a normal enthusiastic father.
If a woman will demonstrate these the emotions themselves, then from the outside it will seem like an irrational tantrum. Researchers from the University of Michigan studied differences in the interpretation of emotions between men and women. The analysis showed that although these interpretations are influenced by prejudice, men and women do not differ in their level of emotionality.
And there is nothing to refer to female hormones. For 75 days, scientists followed men and women, even taking into account women's monthly cycles. No particular difference in emotions between representatives of both sexes was found. Men's emotions have been shown to fluctuate as much as women's, but probably for different reasons.
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