Men harm nature more than women
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The study showed that men contribute more to the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere than women. And this is not at all related to the fact that men work more often in harmful industries or own them.
Who causes more damage to nature in terms of harmful emissions – men or women? The study showed that the stronger sex spends 16% more money on the purchase of goods, the production of which requires more harmful emissions that cause global warming.
Interestingly, women spend a comparable amount of money, but purchase less of them. goods The biggest difference was in men's spending on gasoline and diesel fuel for cars.
The authors of the study from Sweden believe that gender differences in the formation of harmful emissions are extremely little studied by science, but they must be taken into account when developing actions to overcome climate change crisis.
The authors of the analysis compared the costs of single men and women in Sweden. More than half of all emissions were spent by men and women on food and recreation. If people were to more actively change meat and dairy products to plant-based food, and instead of cars and airplanes they would use trains, then the amount of harmful emissions would decrease by 40%.
At the same time, the expenses of men and women look very stereotypical. . Women spend more money on jewelry, health, and clothes, while men spend more money on gasoline, dining out, alcohol, and tobacco.
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