Men under the age of 25 may not undergo military service, but there is an important detail: who can still be mobilized

Citizens of Ukraine under the age of 25 during mobilization are not sent to pass the VLK. However, some students who are finishing their bachelor's degree and who are registered for exams for admission to the master's degree, as well as some other categories, may be sent for a medical examination when updating their data in the TCC.

This is stated in Cabinet Resolution No. 675.

Men under the age of 25 who have not completed military service or a military department, but have already been recognized as of limited fitness, may undergo mobilization. Currently, there is no procedure for transferring Ukrainians under the age of 25 from the list of conscripts to the list of conscripts, previously recognized as limited fit, and in the future, after passing a repeated medical examination, will be recognized as fit. are not sent to the VLK if they have completed basic general military training or military service. But the law does not specify what to do with those who did not undergo the appropriate service or training.

At the same time, in paragraph 1 of the updated Art. 37 of the Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” states that conscripts who are fit for military service under the age of 25 are subject to military registration. However, there is no procedure for removing men under the age of 25 from the list of conscripts and enrolling conscripts.

According to the final and transitional provisions regarding the cancellation of the status of limited fitness, these men are subject to a second medical examination to determine their fitness for military service. Most of them will be recognized as suitable for military service, taking into account changes in the list of diseases to determine the degree of suitability.

In turn, men under the age of 25 who did not undergo military service or military department, but were previously recognized as limited suitable, appealed to the Cabinet of Ministers in her electronic petition regarding the need to develop as soon as possible the procedure for removing the specified category of Ukrainians from the list of conscripts and taking conscripts into the list. They also call on the authorities to prohibit the mobilization of such citizens without their consent, while the procedure for transferring them to the conscript register is being developed.

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Author: alex

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