Menopause: 10 signs of what it has already begun

menopause, which serves as a transition from fertile to a fertile phase of a woman, can take months or even years. Many women who have entered this period of their existence are not aware that changes are being prepared with them for a new stage.

there are a number of signs that say that menopause has already begun.These symptoms appear when there are no characteristic changes in the menstrual cycle. The sweating of the armpit becomes more pronounced, and night sweating increases. The feeling of strong heat or heat from which the face reds occurs when the changes associated with menopause are already in full swing. These symptoms are caused by a decrease in the production of estrogen hormone, which entails various consequences, including impaired body thermoregulation.

cycle fluctuations.

sleep disturbance. The fall in estrogen levels impairs sleep quality. Women face the difficulty of falling asleep, early awakening, shaky surface sleep or real insomnia. The fertile phase in adolescence can be accompanied by pain in the breast. The same symptom can be manifested with the end of fertility, which is explained by the hormonal transformation of the female body.

mood swings. A woman can start responding to certain situations much more emotionally than before: this instability often indicates menopause. Depression and irritability can also develop, sometimes aggressive.

forgetfulness. If its content during menopause decreases, these beneficial effects also lose strength. The result is memory problems.

weight gain. During menopause, it is more difficult for women to maintain weight than before. The need for their body is reduced and the usual diet is already too caloric, which leads to an increase in body weight.

dryness of the skin and mucous membranes. In addition, with a fall in estrogen levels during menopause, blood flow in the genital area worsens. As a consequence, the condition of the vaginal mucosa worsens.

hair loss. In severe cases, hair loss causes the appearance of bald spots.

incontinence. up to two -thirds of women during menopause faces the problem of urinary incontinence, which is associated with impaired urinary tract circulation. Women may notice that urine is released involuntarily even with a slight physical tension, for example, with laughter or cough.

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Author: alex

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