Men's heart disease has been linked to hair color

Over the years, everything changes in the human body, including the condition of the hair. Many people associate it with the natural aging process. But according to new research by scientists, these age-related changes may indicate heart problems.

Gray hair in men may be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This does not mean that every gray-haired man is necessarily at risk of having a heart attack. But, according to scientists, graying may have similar mechanisms to atherosclerosis. These include oxidative stress, cellular aging, and inflammation.

The study involved 545 men, divided into groups based on the presence of gray hair and coronary heart disease. All of them underwent computed tomography and coronary angiography to diagnose coronary artery disease. Data were also collected regarding risk factors for cardiovascular diseases – smoking, heredity, diabetes.

As a result of the study, it was established that study participants with coronary heart disease had a higher rate of gray hair than patients without it. . However, the connection between gray hair and cardiovascular diseases requires a more detailed study. If it is continued, then in the future the results of the study can be used to predict the risks of coronary heart disease.

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Author: alex

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