Mercury Retrograde: Does It Really Affect People?

Several times per year, the planet Mercury becomes very popular in social networks. Not because of a new scientific discovery or future space mission – but because those who believe in astrology believe that when Mercury goes into retrograde orbit, it brings bad luck.

Mercury is closest to of the Sun and the smallest planet in the Solar System. “Mercury retrograde” is an astronomical phenomenon in which a planet appears to be moving in a direction opposite to both its natural path and the direction of motion of other planets in the solar system.

This phenomenon occurs with all planets. of the solar system and is the result of all of them orbiting the Sun at different speeds relative to each other.

During these retrograde periods, Mercury appears to be moving in the opposite direction across the sky – although this is actually an illusion that we see from our planet This apparent “reverse motion” occurs because the Earth and Mercury orbit the Sun at different speeds.

Mercury orbits faster than the Earth, and when it “catches up” to the Earth, it appears to us that Mercury is moving. in the opposite direction, although in reality it is simply continuing to move in its usual orbit around the Sun.

This can be compared to a situation where one car overtakes another on the road – then the slower car seems to be moving backwards relative to the car that passes it by at a higher speed.

Some astrologers consider this astronomical event, which has been observed for thousands of years, a time of misfortune and misunderstanding that greatly affects our daily lives.

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Author: alex

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