Mercury retrograde in action: when it's over, what not to do

The retrograde movement of the planet will affect the fate of people in its own way.

Mercury retrograde will be in an active phase until April 26. Esotericists suggested what not to do during this period. Earlier we published the calendar of retrograde planets, and now we will tell you what the retrograde movement of Mercury can attract.

The planet Mercury is responsible for communication, technology and making serious decisions. Since it is moving backwards, you need to be careful in these areas. Do not take serious actions and do not spend money.

All the things you started during this phase of the planet will go “cat under the tail”. And the relationships and projects that have started will collapse. And even at this time, you should not trust people's promises.

You should not:

  • move
  • travel
  • travel for work to other cities
  • buy expensive things
  • buy appliances
  • start new relationships
  • play a wedding, get married
  • go to a new job

What can be done:

  • put order in the closets
  • throw away or sell unnecessary things
  • < li>quit smoking and other bad habits

  • figure out relationships
  • think if your job is right for you
  • put an end to relationships with energy vampires
  • < li>to clean the house

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Author: alex

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