Milla Jovovich: “My blood and roots come from Ukraine”

American actress and model of Ukrainian origin Milla Jovovich shared on her page in Instagram with an emotional message about the events taking place in her native country.

“My heart is broken, I am grief-stricken and stunned trying to make sense of the events that have been happening all this week in my homeland, Ukraine. My country and people are being bombed. My friends and family are hiding. My blood and roots come from Ukraine. It tears me in two as I watch the horror of what is happening – how the country is being destroyed, families running, their lives lying around as charred wreckage,” Milla shared. “I remember the war in my father's homeland in the former Yugoslavia and my family's stories of trauma and horror. War. Always war. Leaders who cannot bring peace. The endless power of imperialism. And always a people who pay with blood and tears.”

Let us remind you that Milla was born in 1975 in Kyiv, but already in 1980 her family moved to Great Britain, and then to the USA.

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A post shared by Milla Jovovich.”

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Author: alex

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