Minus 20 years: what food leads to premature aging

It is impossible to avoid aging , but this process can be slowed down. Few people know that daily habits can contribute to the withering of the body. For example, the habit of constantly sunbathing. There are also some foods that can also imperceptibly deprive you of youth prematurely.


They cause accelerated aging due to the fact that they contain many products of terminal glycation (AGE). They are formed when fat or protein is combined with sugar. According to nutritionist Trist Best, in addition to potato chips, AGEs can also be found in convenience foods.

Ice cream

This sweet summer treat can also lead to premature aging due to a combination milk fat with sugar. This combination also disrupts the work of the intestines. Therefore, it is better to replace ice cream with other cold desserts, for example, based on vegetable milk.

Energy drinks and carbonated water

Many people use these drinks to cheer up and drive away sleep However, it can also cause nervous tremors and have a detrimental effect on the skin.

Acting as a diuretic, they increase the need for fluids. Due to the lack of water, as well as the large amount of sugar contained in one can of such carbonated water, the body can age by 20 years.

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Author: alex

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