Minus kilograms: the best ways to lose weight without diets
Unfortunately, not all diets help to lose weight quickly weight, and sports do not bring visible results here and now. However, some principles of proper nutrition and methods of losing weight can make your figure slimmer.
1. Do not grab each new diet
They often give a visible, but short-term effect: after finishing the diet period, many pounce on food with unprecedented energy. Gradually developing good habits is a slower but sure way to the desired figure.
2. The invented diet is not for you
There are people who like to eat according to a predetermined diet or scrupulously count calories. If you are both driven into stress, the body begins to produce more cortisol, which also affects weight gain.
3. Protein is your friend
It is found not only in meat, but also in soybeans, many vegetables, nuts and seeds. It takes 25% more energy to digest protein food than to process carbohydrates, so you can reduce calorie consumption without reducing the amount of food, but only by redistributing it. That is, the body will spend more energy on fish fillet than on pasta, and you will see positive changes in the waist area.
4. Take it easy on food
It will do no good to mourn the unfortunate donut that is not on the list of permitted foods. did you eat it Great, let's move on. The reason is simple: the forbidden fruit is sweet. You gave up the donut, but you came home and retaliated by eating twice as much salt and sugar. Roughly speaking, we got more calories and less joy than from this unfortunate bun. This does not mean that you should take and eat a whole tray of donuts or a box of candies, but there is no point in giving them up, driving yourself into stress.
5. Drink more water
Consumption of water not only saturates the body with liquid, but also helps reduce the caloric content of the diet. You can add a little salt to the water. And thirst is often confused with hunger, and if you make the right choice, you will feel better than after eating a whole plate of food.
6. Think about physical activity
Everyone around is running, and you can't stand it? Sign up for a dance class, buy Nordic walking sticks, start going to the pool – any exercise is good! Even 10 minutes of physical activity a day is beneficial!
7. Eat healthy fats
Did you know that if you want to lose weight, you shouldn't eat fats? Well, that's not true. There are harmful and useful fats among fats, and you really need the latter. For example, you can at least have different types of avocado every day.
8. Start cooking
Yes, yes, you will brush off this advice, but progress will not make you wait. You can prepare lunches on Sunday that can be heated for the entire working week. And it will be delicious fish and chicken with an unusual healthy side dish, not mayonnaise salad with mayonnaise pork in the dining room. In addition, knowing that you have lunches for several days ahead, it is more difficult to “jump off” from the formation of healthy eating habits.
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